Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: scris

Cum scriu
Because I want to communicate my ideas as briefly and clearly as possible, writing is laborious. Some problems are difficult or difficult to grasp, and in such cases I insist on them as long as it is necessary. I don’t lose patience and I don’t skip them superficially just to gain time.
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Cum scriu
I believe in clarity, simplicity and consistency, accurate and complete documentary research, and in the interdisciplinary analysis, as well as comparative law perspective, of legal concepts, doctrines and institutions. Keywords:
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Cum scriu (eu)?
03 01 2020
The addressees of what I write, the information about them, about their expectations are decisive. The language, the tone, the modality of expressing the information depend all upon the addressees, more precisely upon what I know or I think I know about them. Keywords:...
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Cum scriu
03 01 2020
For a lawyer, the word is the scalpel with which he or she operates. A scalpel of a surgeon which is blunt, imprecise or too large can hurt. Likewise, the word of the legal practitioner must be an instrument of precision, which goes straight to the target, without useless deviations.
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You never walk (run) alone!
Writing can be like running. You must practice every day if you want to run a marathon; if you want to write well, you must read enormously. When you are writing, you should always consider the reader. If writing is like running, remember to run along with your reader!
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