Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: protecţia datelor cu caracter personal

Legalitatea acţiunilor de recuperare a datelor ca urmare a unui atac cibernetic
The breach of data security has several consequences regarding the effects of this event on the data subjects. If the personal data has gone out of data controller’s hand, it will try to recover it in order to limit the damage. The data controller has the primary obligation, under public law, to notify the competent supervisory authority of the data security breach. On the other hand, he will try to conclude a convention with the author of the...
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Regimul juridic al protecţiei datelor cu caracter personal este în proces de regândire
The legal framework on data protection is in a rethinking process both from the point of view of regulation technique, meaning the pending proposals of Regulation and Directive, and from an institutional perspective. By this new legal framework and also the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, a system similar to that within the European competition is being put into place, which will gather together the national supervisor...
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