Discuţii privind viciul de consimţământ al violenţei în raporturile dintre profesionişti. Încadrarea violenţei economice
09 01 2013
This article is mainly intended at discussing the possibility of claiming the vice of consent consisting of violence (threats) in the relations between professionals, as well as the analysis of the concept of economical violence and the conditions thereof. The article starts with a section presenting the regulation of the violence in the new Civil Code, then addressing the claim of violence as a vice of consent in between professionals and fin...
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Consideraţii privind reglementarea noului Cod civil asupra clauzelor neuzuale
03 01 2013
The authors of the study review one of the novel solutions implemented by the new Civil Code of Romania in the area of contractual obligations, namely the regulation of the unusual clauses. These are defined as a species of standard clauses and may be viewed in general as clauses which purport to alter the balance of the obligations of the parties resulting from the statutory regulation of contracts for the benefit of the party which proposes...
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