Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: notar

Notarii vs blockchain
03 01 2024
We are all preparing for the technological revolution. Never in history has man been more affected by the extremely rapid changes happening around him. Of these, blockchain technology seems to have the biggest impact, being likened, not infrequently, to the fizz we all knew when the internet came into being. But unlike the internet, blockchain affects our lives much more visibly. It not only gives us access to information, but also the ability...
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Asigurările de răspundere civilă în profesiile juridice
03 01 2019
Pursuing legal professions may bring some risks, including the risk of prejudicing the others and thus triggering civil liability. Malpractice insurance in the legal field has been rapidly developed in recent years and has the role of covering the damage caused during or in connection with the legal acts or facts regarding the juridical professions, committed by authorized and active specialist in these professions.
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