Aplicarea impreviziunii în contractele de credit bancar
08 01 2015
The present study analyses the applicability of hardship în foreign currency loan agreements given that such a form of judicial intervention into the contract is now being regulated by the Civil code. The analysis refers not only to elements of comparative law and of international commercial law, but also to the part to be played, within the field of hardship, by the principle of monetary nominalism and by the classic and contemporary relevan...
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Despre corecta interpretare a art. 1579 alin. (3) din Codul civil de la 1864
02 01 2015
The sudden ultravalorisation to a particular currency bank credit agreements with consumers prior to the entry to force the new Civil Code, currency considered by some authors as exotic brought in present in our country, the applicability of art. 1579 par. 3 of the Romanian Civil Code of 1864, the legal text which attempted to justify the possibility of conversion of foreign currency loans in lei and freezing of the leu-foreign currency at the ...
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