Clauza de rezervă a dreptului de proprietate în procedura insolvenţei. Despre opozabilitatea „inopozabilă” sau în căutarea oximoronului juridic perfect
02 01 2022
The reserve of the title until the full payment of the price (Pactum reservati domini donec praetium solvitur) under the civil and then commercial sale contract had a vertiginous development in the 19th and 20th centuries. As it was not expressly regulated in the Civil Code or the Commercial Code, a wide range of solutions had been released over time – from challenging the validity of this clause by jurisprudence and doctrine, t...
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Când toată lumea vrea (să scape): Preluarea bunului mobil ipotecat în contul creanței
05 01 2016
The study analyzes the new legal instrument of datio in solutum in terms of the extent to which it subsumes the regulatory framework existing in the matter of mortgages, on taking over the mortgaged movable good on the receivable account, presenting “in mirror” this similar mechanism and convergence, respectively divergence between the two institutions.
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