Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: interes procesual

Probleme controversate în aplicarea unor dispoziţii din Legea societăţilor nr. 31/1990
The Companies Law prohibits shareholders who are directors from voting, including by proxy, on their discharge „or on a matter in which their person or administration would be at issue”. Article 126 regulates the generic conflict of interest between the shareholder and the company, when the directors are those who have prepared the financial statements and have every interest in being approved. The prohibition to exercise the right to vote is ...
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Nulitatea Hotărârii Adunării Generale
This article aproaches the issue of the nullity of the decision of the general meeting of shareholders of a company, aiming to realize a detailed view over a topic that raise, despite the fact that it should not, erroneous interpretations that endanger the very stability of the juridical relations. The main problems are: the shareholders legal capacity in case of assigning the shares after the ex rights date, the legal capacity of the sharehol...
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Nulitatea hotărârii adunării generale (I)
This article aproaches the issue of the nullity of the decision of the general meeting of shareholders of a company, aiming to realize a detailed view over a topic that raise, despite the fact that it should not, erroneous interpretations that endanger the very stability of the juridical relations. The main problems are: the shareholders legal capacity in case of assigning the shares after the ex rights date, the legal capacity of the shareho...
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