Cum scriu? Greu, dar și cu multă bucurie
03 01 2020
I had the intuition that a jurist-researcher must inter- and trans-discipline and, therefore, I read books (…) of institutional history, social history, political philosophy, economy and sociology. (…) I started to merge the positivist discourse with the cultural one, marked by inter- and trans-disciplinarity and by conceptual analysis. This way I was trying to break with the empiricism which is specifical to descriptive commentary...
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Cum scriu
03 01 2020
I believe in clarity, simplicity and consistency, accurate and complete documentary research, and in the interdisciplinary analysis, as well as comparative law perspective, of legal concepts, doctrines and institutions.
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Prima frază
03 01 2020
I write not only about law but in writing about law I also write about myself (a self who knows that in writing about law she also writes about herself). As such, my text will almost always be doubly marked by identity.
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