„Noua economie” se bazează pe transparenţă
04 01 2020
The financial system has a key role to play in transforming the economy into a more efficient and sustainable one, by reorienting private capital towards sustainable investment and encouraging more transparency. The consideration of sustainability factors in the decision-making process and investment advisory process can realise superior benefits. This can increase the resilience of the real economy and the stability of the financial system. T...
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Adoption de la Directive 2017/828/UE: droits et obligations des actionnaires et autres partenaires des sociétés cotées en bourse
01 01 2018
This article discusses the main elements of Directive 2017/828/UE amending Directive 2007/36/EC as regards the encouragement of long-term shareholder engagement. Directive 2007/36/EC (Shareholder Rights Directive) was adopted in 2007 and, ten years later, in May 2017, it was strengthened through Directive 2017/828/UE (Shareholder Engagement Directive).The primary objective of the Shareholder Rights Directive was to ensure that nonresident...
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