Examen de practică judiciară în materie de Exequatur. Clauza compromisorie patologică și efectele sale
08 01 2016
This study of juridical practice attempts to present to the practitioners which are the difficulties faced in Romania by the exequatur of foreign arbitral awards, and which are most often caused by pathological arbitration clauses or incomplete arbitration clauses.
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Calificarea după lex fori a unui litigiu cu element de extraneitate de către instanța străină, sub imperiul Convenției Bruxelles I. Excepția necompetenței. Monopolul de jure al Baroului Federal Austriac – ÖRAK asupra reprezentării în faţa instanţelor din această ţară. Lipsa unui avocat de concordanţă
07 01 2012
The comments on this case stand for an analysis of the way in which the foreign court (Austrian court) qualified by lex fori a juridical relation with an foreign element as well as the reasons for which the exception of lack of jurisdiction could not be used due to some procedural impediments (the de jure monopoly of the Austrian Federal Bar Association – ÖRAK over the representation before courts in this country).
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