Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: efecte

Acţiunea în anulare a hotărârii arbitrale în cazul caducităţii arbitrajului
This article discusses one of the grounds for which the arbitral award may be set aside through the action for annulment, particularly the reason of rendering the award after the expiry of the term of the arbitration, although at least one of the parties has declared that it intends to avail itself of the lapse of the term of arbitration and the parties have not agreed to continuing the procedure. The article covers the requirements for admiss...
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Retragerea asociaţilor. Certitudini, dileme, soluţii
During the incipient period of application of companies’ legislation, legal issues concerning the formation, organization and development of trade companies’ activities were examined preeminently by scholars and courts, since that was a time of creation and hope; events like withdrawal or expulsion of an associate were marginal issues that were disrupting the corporate harmony and not so often met în practice.The economic crisis affected...
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