Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: dreptul concurenţei

Armonizarea politicilor ajutorului de stat cu regimul subvenţiilor la export
05 01 2020
The need to harmonize State aid policies with the export subsidy regime is described in this article, both in terms of the legal basis and the advantages and disadvantages produced by it, highlighted by examples from practice. Keywords:
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Înțelegerile anticoncurenţiale grave (hard-core) – caracteristici şi efecte juridice
01 01 2013
The rules set forth by legal provisions have received, in time, various arguments: natural law or jus naturalism, positive law, voluntarism, normativism, law as a social fact, etc. Recently, a new theory relating to the economical efficacy of the legal rule has been put in place. According to this theory, any legal rule gains in effectiveness and presents more authority if it is also supported by an economical explanation.In this context...
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