Dovedirea încălcărilor aduse dreptului de autor prin utilizarea capcanelor
04 01 2014
Traps are formal, deliberately wrong elements, that certain authors use in order to detect a possibly unauthorized reproduction of their work, the occurrence of such an error in two or more works being likely to cause a simple presumption of illegal copying. The fundamental role of traps comes within the scope of evidence, in a potential claim form covering the liability in tort of the author of such an illegal act.The paper discusses t...
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Impactul protecţiei juridice a bazelor de date asupra noţiunii de „originalitate”
07 01 2013
The article examines the protection of databases by copyright. It is discused the legitimacy of this protection and the particularities of the legal regime of the protection of databases in the European Union. In addition, are analyzed the solutions of the Court of Justice of the European Union, regarding this matter.
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Introducere în subiectul datelor deschise şi problemelor sale juridice (II)
03 01 2013
Open data is a hot topic in European Union in the past few years that raises a series of legal issues from different perspectives: copyright and related rights, personal data protection or re-use of public information. We are writing this article with the aim to overview the main legal problems related to open data from a Romanian legislation point of view, as well as a presentation of the relevant public policies on the topic, in order to bet...
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Introducere în subiectul datelor deschise şi problemelor sale juridice (I)
01 01 2013
Open data is a hot topic in European Union in the past few years that raises a series of legal issues from different perspectives: copyright and related rights, personal data protection or re-use of public information. We are writing this article with the aim to overview the main legal problems related to open data from a Romanian legislation point of view, as well as a presentation of the relevant public policies on the topic, in order to bet...
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