Deschiderea procedurii de insolvenţă faţă de pârât. Natura juridică a soluţiilor de suspendare și încetare prevăzute de art. 75 alin. (1) din Legea nr. 85/2014. Sistematizarea soluţiilor care pot fi pronunţate în primă instanţă, apel sau recurs în acţiunea în pretenţii de drept comun
02 01 2024
My main goal writing this article was to organize the possible rulings in a regular civil claim procedure against an undertaking which became subject to an insolvency procedure. In order to achieve my goal, I analyzed the nature of the judgments of stay and closing imposed by art. 75 paragraph 1 from Law no. 85/2014.I concluded that both stay, and closing, are part of the same automatic stay international principle, and not two independe...
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De ce prefer textele negociabile, nu textele de adeziune
03 01 2020
The texts I write (and, in general, the texts that are written in law) are of two kinds: “negotiable” texts and texts “of adhesion”. (…) The texts written for “negotiation” have a different content from that which would have resulted if those texts had been written “for adhesion”. (…) Whoever the reader is, I examine the result of the agreement I propose to reach in terms of “degree of consensus”, not in terms of “assenting to an op...
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