Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: dobânzi

Înlesnirile la plată în contextul noilor reglementări cuprinse în Codul de procedură fiscală
The new Fiscal Procedure Code, in force on 1st of January 2016, addresses once more the issue of payment facilities but from a new perspective, allowing for a codification of the existent regulations in this field and offering a real support for contributors acting in good faith but found in financial struggle.In this newly created context, the fiscal legislator establishes a true payment facility procedure that we have structured in the ...
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Evoluţia reglementării privind impozitarea dobânzilor în Convenţiile Model OCDE şi ONU
This paper purpose is to identify the historical reasons which underlie the current tax treatment of the interest payments under the Model Conventions elaborated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and by the United Nations. Although similar from the regulatory point of view, the different treatment of the interest income under the two Model Conventions is important, mainly due to their general purposes and to the way t...
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