Este supus unui termen special de prescripţie dreptul creditorului de a obţine repararea prejudiciului suferit, în ipoteza în care se ajunge la rezoluţiunea unui contract de achiziţie publică?
05 01 2024
Often, the legislative technique poses challenges to the jurist, generating interpreting efforts of the legal norms, requiring searches to identify the purpose of the regulation. This is also the case of the norm enshrined in art. 53 paragraph 9 of Law no. 101/2016, from the perspective of the determination of the statute of limitations applicable to the actions through which damages are claimed for the economic operator’s failure to perform t...
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Situațiile de excepție în care legiuitorul dispune continuarea mandatului după survenirea unei cauze de încetare a sa
04 01 2019
Art. 2030 paragraph (2) of the Romanian Civil Code, meant to confer greater protection to the parties of the agency contract, in the specific cases set by the legislator, does not require the continuation of the contract against the will of one of the contracting parties / of their heirs’, but merely the possibility to claim damages in order to repair the damages caused by the unilateral denunciation of the contract.
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