Hacker-ii societari și combaterea lor prin prezumţii judiciare. Un micro-studiu despre frauda societară prin antedatare de documente
06 01 2021
The article discusses how civil courts deal with the fraud by backdating documents by a former representative of the company together with a third party. The specificity of this kind of fraud is that it puts at work some legal presumptions (the presumption that the date on the document is the correct one, the presumption that the agreement has a lawful cause) to create advantages for the fraudsters. When situations of this kind are not timely...
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GDPR: Noi orientări privind valabilitatea consimțământului în cazul „cookie walls” și al acțiunilor swipe/scroll în cadrul unui website
02 01 2020
The European Data Protection Board („EDPB”), the European Union’s independent body mandated to ensure the consistent application of Regulation no. 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data („GDPR”), issued, in May 2020, new specific guidelines for the interpretation and application of the GDPR provisions on consent for processing personal data. This articl...
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