Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: cauțiune

Un an cu executări silite individuale în procedura colectivă de insolvență. Aspecte jurisprudențiale
The amendments to the Insolvency Law brought by GEO 88/2018 destabilized this field and affected the very reason of the insolvency procedure transforming it from a purely collective procedure, into a procedure that allows the individual recovery of the receivables of the tax creditors through individual enforcements.The wave of enforcements initiated under this ordinance has entailed a series of practical problems and questions left una...
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Unele considerații cu privire la obiectul cererii de suspendare a executării actului administrativ-fiscal în temeiul art. 14 şi art. 15 din Legea nr. 554/2004
01 01 2018
In the present study we did not intend to carry out an exhaustive analysis of the object of the request to suspend the execution of a tax administrative document, respectively of the document issued by the fiscal body that can be the subject of such a claim.Our aim is to study judgments handed out under the New Fiscal Procedure Code where the courts were confronted with this legal issue and have analyzed if a document issued by the fisc...
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