Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: asociaţie de proprietari

Legislaţia privind consolidarea clădirilor interbelice – aspecte fiscale, provocări și propuneri de lege ferenda
06 01 2021
This article presents the legal framework relating to the consolidation of inter-war buildings, including those pertaining to the immovable cultural heritage, by examining the main pieces of legislation in force as well as the draft legislation initiated locally and nationally and launched for public debate. Within this analysis, the main deficiencies identified with respect to the relevant provisions are rendered – namely the lack of a rigor...
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Unele consideraţii asupra regimului juridic al încetării destinaţiei de folosinţă comună pentru spaţiile comune din clădirile multietajate în Noul Cod civil
09 01 2012
The article presents the development of the institution of forced co-ownership in terms of disposal acts that co-owners may exert, since the adoption of the new Civil Code until present, including the Constitutional Court jurisprudence perspective. Mismatches in the correlation of certain legal texts of legislation governing this area are highlighted, before changes of the New Civil Code by Law nr. 60/2012 and after this change. Finally, regar...
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