Acţiunea pauliană, faţă în faţă cu procedura insolvenţei: urmărirea bunului înstrăinat prin actul desfiinţat ca urmare a admiterii acţiunii
06 01 2023
The new Civil Code did not limit to a terminological qualification of the claim that art. 975 of the Civil Code of 1864 recognized it to creditors prejudiced by „devious acts done by the debtor to the detriment of their rights”.The revocation action, because this was the qualification, is not immune to criticism in any case, the action made available to unsecured creditors, was outlined, at the level of primary legislation, a promising l...
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Scindarea acţiunilor în realizarea unor creanţe între instanţa de drept comun și judecătorul-sindic și alte probleme de compatibilitate
06 01 2020
A debtor’s entering the insolvency proceedings has consequences in respect of the remedies available to it in order to recover its claims, pending before the substantive law courts or before the courts of arbitration. According to article 75 of Law No 85/2014, the litigation becomes concursual and its “transfer” to the syndic judge’s competence for settlement, depending on the trial stage is not optional, but mandatory, otherwise it incurs th...
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Ridicarea suspendării acțiunilor judiciare și extrajudiciare ca urmare a deschiderii procedurii insolvenței
03 01 2017
The present study presents issues regarding the request for lifting the suspension of judicial, extrajudicial or enforceable actions for the realisation of the creditor’s claim over the debtor’s assets as provided by art. 75 par. 1 of the Law no. 85/2014 on pre-insolvency and insolvency procedures which creditors that have a preferential claim may have in favour, exception of the principle of suspension of the creditor’s powers to asset and enf...
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