Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: acțiunea în revendicare

Acțiunea în revendicare, acțiunea în evacuare din imobilele ocupate abuziv, cererile posesorii – asemănări și deosebiri
The comparative study of revendication, possessory action and eviction presents a great deal of interest from theoretical and from practical point of view aswell.The structure highlights the main similarities and differences between the three mentioned actions in matters of civil procedure law, taking in consideration the stages of the civil trial.The relevant provisions of substantive law are going to be presentend aswell, pointi...
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Noua fizionomie a coproprietăţii obişnuite în lumina dispoziţiilor actualului Cod civil
Along with the usual classical vision of temporary co-ownership, established by the Civil Code of 1864, which ignored the subject entirely, as a separate institution, for the benefit of individual property co-ownership, co-ownership been considered a transient situation, exceptional, New Civil Code outlines, through a series of changes a new physiognomy of this institution of civil law.Although almost all news reported during this study ...
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