Adoption de la Directive 2017/828/UE: droits et obligations des actionnaires et autres partenaires des sociétés cotées en bourse
01 01 2018
This article discusses the main elements of Directive 2017/828/UE amending Directive 2007/36/EC as regards the encouragement of long-term shareholder engagement. Directive 2007/36/EC (Shareholder Rights Directive) was adopted in 2007 and, ten years later, in May 2017, it was strengthened through Directive 2017/828/UE (Shareholder Engagement Directive).The primary objective of the Shareholder Rights Directive was to ensure that nonresident...
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Piaţa RASDAQ: între un statut incert şi o desfiinţare problematică
03 01 2013
In the field of Romanian stock markets nowadays, the RASDAQ market presents itself as problematic in two regards: on an economic level, due to reduced trading activity, and on a legal level, due to uncertainty regarding its legal nature, low standards of shareholder protection, and the National Securites Comission’s plans of closing it down.This paper adresses the legal side of the issue. It takes a brief look at the European regulation...
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