Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: abuz de poziţie dominantă

Teoria facilităţilor esenţiale în dreptul european al concurenţei
The present paper analyses the essential facilities doctrine and its application in the decisions of the European Commission and the case-law of the European Court of Justice in cases of abuse of dominant position. More precisely, the paper seeks to explore the conditions in which a dominant undertaking may be obliged to share with its competitors access to certain goods, services or rights which the former holds under exclusivity and which ar...
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Relaţia dintre concentrarea economică și abuzul de poziţie dominantă
05 01 2021
The competition on the market has been and will be current in any period. The social and economic context influences the competition rules. In order to have the best possible position in the market, some economic agents will resort to practices that violate the rules of fair competition. Because of this, a balanced competition, in an increasingly technological world, is quite difficult to maintain, because there are many factors both internal ...
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