Numărul 3 Anul 2020
If writing a piece proves necessary, then a writing project is put together with all that it entails – a mission statement, a roadmap marked by qualitative and quantitative milestones, a calendar and of course, executive instructions, to detail.
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Dreptul european al concurenţei în dosare de arbitraj comercial internaţional ICC
Numărul 6 Anul 2017
One of the fundamental questions for the international commercial arbitration practice, at least in the most renowned European arbitration centres, is to what extent the international arbitrators have a duty to acknowledge an imperative, public law-based character of the European competition rules.Certainly, the question may prompt a variety of approaches – theoretical, empirical, targeted or holistic, in a global or exclusively European ...
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Interfaţa arbitraj comercial – insolvenţă. Elemente de ordine publică în practica arbitrală europeană şi naţională
Numărul 1 Anul 2017
This article provides an outline of the commercial arbitration – insolvency contact zone, with a special view on public policy sensitive areas which define the interaction between the two processes. On the one hand, the analysis focuses on European Union regulations, the framework in various Member States and international commercial arbitration practice, and, on the other hand, on the Romanian perspective regarding issues such as: applicable ...
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