Soluţionarea revendicărilor și a disputelor în conformitate cu H.G. nr. 1/2018 şi a Regulilor de Arbitraj ale Curţii de Arbitraj Comercial Internaţional de pe lângă Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie a României
Numărul 3 Anul 2018
On January 11, 2018 – through the entry into force of the Government Decision no. 1/2018 – Arbitration is reintroduced as a way of settling disputes in national contracts (known as Fidic Red and Fidic Yellow), and this normative act removes the Dispute Settlement Committee. Also as a novelty, the arbitration will be settled in accordance with the Rules of the International Commercial Arbitration Court attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Ind...
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Costurile arbitrale în procedura de arbitraj internaţională, Regulamentul ICC, Regulamentul ICSID. Criteriul de alocare a costurilor arbitrale. Plata TVA-ului către arbitrii din perspectiva Regulamentului ICC
Numărul 3 Anul 2017
By inserting the arbitration clause in their contract, the Parties agree that they shall both bear the costs of the arbitration proceedings equally.In its decision regarding the costs, the arbitral tribunal will consider any and all of the circumstances it deems relevant, including if and to what extent the each party carried its part of the arbitration in a time and cost-efficient manner.Regarding the subsequent allocation of cost...
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Importanţa administrării probelor în arbitrajul comercial internaţional. Examinarea şi cross-examinarea martorilor
Numărul 6 Anul 2015
Arbitration has had to deal with the fact that, when it comes to technical issues, lawyers are not indispensable for the settlement of disputes from the technical point of view. This solution may also work well for smaller disputes where law issues are clear and technicalities remain secondary, for larger disputes the situation is different.
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