Despre nulitatea de drept a radierii din registrul comerţului a societăţilor (comerciale) care nu îndeplinesc anumite cerinţe legale speciale
05 01 2019
Through the study having the title and the mentioned object, we set out to identify, present and analyze some of the legal implications that it may have, the legal nullity of the deletion of the (commercial) companies that did not increase their share capital, at the level and within the terms imposed by certain special laws.
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Scurt istoric al Camerelor de Comerț și Industrie din România și transformarea instituțională a acestora până la cel de-al doilea Război Mondial (II)
06 01 2014
The Romanian Chamber of Commerce System is an active, mobilizing and reforming presence of the domestic and international trade.One of milestones of the Chamber of Commerce legislative accomplishment was the elaboration of the Constitution of 1923, which had been the promoter of the development and of the reform of the Chambers of Commerce in Romania.
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