Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: procedură fiscală

Insolvenţă și creanţe fiscale. Un studiu de caz
The particular nature and the development of Tax Law in recent years in Romania is raising certain questions when it comes to Tax Law’s relationship with other procedures. In this contribution, the author analysis a case that was decided both by an insolvency court and a tax court, with the consequence that the same tax decision was considered both ineffective and effective from a legal point of view. ...
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Unele considerații cu privire la obiectul cererii de suspendare a executării actului administrativ-fiscal în temeiul art. 14 şi art. 15 din Legea nr. 554/2004
01 01 2018
In the present study we did not intend to carry out an exhaustive analysis of the object of the request to suspend the execution of a tax administrative document, respectively of the document issued by the fiscal body that can be the subject of such a claim.Our aim is to study judgments handed out under the New Fiscal Procedure Code where the courts were confronted with this legal issue and have analyzed if a document issued by the fisc...
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