Studiu de drept comparat privind insolvenţa persoanei fizice
12 01 2016
The present study represents a doctrinal assessment of the Law no. 151/2015 on insolvency procedures applicable to individuals, which was adopted by quasi-unanimous vote in the Chamber of Deputies on May 20th, 2015. While concluding the comparative analysis in the context of the Romanian judicial system particularities, we express fears that the law will most likely miss the intended target, unless the legislative body amends its c...
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Planul de redresare – surse de plată a creanţelor versus haircut. Planul de redresare al Unităţilor Administrativ Teritoriale
10 01 2013
As a an insolvency practitioner named to apply the reglementation of the Gouvernement Emergency Ordonance regarding the finacial crisis, I have tried to set an coherent chain coupling of decisions and activities meant to accomplish my purpose on an imaginary task. Making this exercise, made me realise that the GEO‘s main aim as it is declared in its preambule is almost impossible to aplly. In my opinion this conclusions are only the answer of t...
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