Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: jocuri de noroc

Măsurile standard de cunoaștere a clientelei furnizorilor de servicii de jocuri de noroc în vederea prevenirii și combaterii spălării banilor și finanţării terorismului
03 01 2024
The work of preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing is an obligation of all states, united under the same standards of customer knowledge to eliminate this phenomenon in all areas of economic and social life. The need to apply all appropriate measures is all the more evident in the field of gambling, knowing that reality has shown an evolution of the phenomenon of money laundering and terrorist financing, in line with ...
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Evoluţia jurisprudenţei Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene referitoare la jocuri de noroc şi pariuri sportive: o perspectivă asupra pieţii interne
10 01 2012
This paper will discuss the evolution of the ECJ’s case law on the field of sports betting and gambling. Member States remain competent to regulate gambling and sports betting and to structure their national policies on these areas. The gambling and sports betting market is part of the internal market and as a matter of fact is subjected to the rules guaranteeing the smooth operation of the internal market. The case law of the ECJ will be dis...
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