Prezumţia dobândirii licite a averii într-o societate democratică – o iluzie deșartă
04 01 2024
The article criticizes how the presumption of lawful acquisition of assets is often either applied inconsistently or overlooked in practice. While, in theory, this presumption provides essential safeguards to protect citizens in a democratic state from abuses of power, in practice, the burden of proof is frequently shifted onto individuals, requiring them to prove their innocence or the legal origin of their assets, despite their compliance wi...
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Patrimoniul de afectaţiune –instrument în derularea afacerilor
06 01 2014
The patrimony by appropriation represents an instrument in business operation, even the business itself, therefore it is required to regulate it in accordance with the requirements modern economy.This paper analyses and proposes some solutions for the problems of the patrimony by appropriation as instrument by the dint of which a business is operated, as a modern patrimony management technique and as an instrument for limiting commercial...
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