Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: clauză compromisorie

Adunările Generale ale Asociaților (AGA) – quo vadis?
This article contains, broadly speaking, the author’s support in several scientific conferences and lectures held during continuous training courses having as a center of interest the General Meetings of the Associates/Shareholders and the Creditors’ Meetings in the insolvency proceedings. In Part 1 of this article we will address a theme sustained at the Conference „Business Law. Current Challenges”, organized under the aegis of t...
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Examen de practică judiciară în materie de Exequatur. Clauza compromisorie patologică și efectele sale
08 01 2016
This study of juridical practice attempts to present to the practitioners which are the difficulties faced in Romania by the exequatur of foreign arbitral awards, and which are most often caused by pathological arbitration clauses or incomplete arbitration clauses. Key...
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