Influenţa dreptului european asupra dreptului național al societăţilor – exemplul fuziunilor transfrontaliere
07 01 2016
In the European Union, the imperative of the free movement of companies has determined significant transformations of national legislations. The impulse given by the ECJ’s case-law was completed by the European legislator interventions, intended to introduce modern and tailored solutions that meet the practical needs of operators. In the cross-border mergers area, the directive 2005/56/EC is trying to ensure the convergence of Member states’ l...
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Contractul de credit pentru consum în viziunea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 50/2010
05 01 2012
The emergency ordinance nr. 50/2010, approved with amendments by the Law nr. 288/ 2010, transposes into domestic law the Directive 2008/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the European Council from the 23rd of April 2008 on consumer credit agreement and on abrogation of the Directive 87/202/CEE of the Council.The new European Directive imposed a complete harmonization so that the Romanian legislator had a small margin of freedom in re...
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