Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: armonizare legislativă

Influenţa dreptului european asupra dreptului național al societăţilor – exemplul fuziunilor transfrontaliere
In the European Union, the imperative of the free movement of companies has determined significant transformations of national legislations. The impulse given by the ECJ’s case-law was completed by the European legislator interventions, intended to introduce modern and tailored solutions that meet the practical needs of operators. In the cross-border mergers area, the directive 2005/56/EC is trying to ensure the convergence of Member states’ l...
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Contractul de credit pentru consum în viziunea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 50/2010
The emergency ordinance nr. 50/2010, approved with amendments by the Law nr. 288/ 2010, transposes into domestic law the Directive 2008/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the European Council from the 23rd of April 2008 on consumer credit agreement and on abrogation of the Directive 87/202/CEE of the Council.The new European Directive imposed a complete harmonization so that the Romanian legislator had a small margin of freedom in re...
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